Opportunies At Willow
Words for Willow
Do you feel led to share a word of encouragement, exhortation, Bible verse, song, or message for Willow Creek? We invite you to submit insights gained from listening prayer—words you believe are from the Lord for the people of Willow Creek.
Together For Good – Marriage Workshop
February 21–22, 2025
Invest in your marriage and rediscover the joy of being together! Join us for Together for Good, a practical and inspiring two-day marriage enrichment event designed to strengthen and refresh your relationship.
Whether you’re newly married, celebrating decades together, or somewhere in between, this event provides tools and strategies to navigate life’s challenges, improve communication, and deepen your connection. Led by engaging speakers and based on biblical principles, you’ll leave encouraged and equipped to grow your marriage for the long haul.
Spiritual Gifts Discovery
At Willow Creek, we believe God has given each of us unique gifts to serve Him and strengthen His Church. This form is designed to help you identify and share your spiritual gifts so the Send Team can connect you with meaningful opportunities.
Fill Out the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Form
Adult Grow Groups
For all adults 18 and over
Weekly or bi-weekly meetings at various times and locations.
Various group sizes and age categories to fit your current stage of life
Men’s Ministry
For all adult men
One weekend and one weeknight meeting per month at various locations
Women’s Ministry – Bible Studies
For all adult women
Junior High Youth - Next Gen
For anyone who is in grades 6, 7, or 8
Every Tuesday night at the church from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Senior High Youth - Next Gen
For anyone who is in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12
Every Thursday night at the church from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Creek @ 10 - Next Gen
Children’s ministry with bible stories, songs, questions, and games
For anyone ages zero and up to grade five
Every Sunday morning during the service in the basement of the church
Upon visiting in person for the first time, parents or guardians will need to fill out a short intake form
Serve Ministry
To serve in the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit the practical social, physical, financial, and mental needs of those within the church and the local community. Click the Willow Connect Form Button at the top or bottom of this page to request more information.
We strategically partner with these three organizations that are serving the Barrie area.
Share Ministry
To lovingly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in culturally appropriate ways as the Holy Spirit leads.
Sunday Morning Services
Join us every Sunday from 10:00 to 11:30 am as we gather to love and celebrate Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Open to all, our service features prayer, worship through song, and sermons rooted in Biblical teachings.
View Our Downloadable Abide Guide Library
Spiritual Care
Dedicated to enhancing Christ-centered spiritual well-being at Willow, we recognize that followers of Jesus sometimes encounter a 'spiritual wall' on their discipleship journey. Our focus is to offer guidance that helps break through these barriers, enabling a deeper, freer relationship with our Lord and Saviour.
Connect with the Spiritual Care Director
Elder-Led Prayer: We follow the biblical practice of James 5:14-15, inviting those who are sick or in spiritual need to receive prayer from our Elders. In faith and obedience, our Elders will pray over you, anointing with oil as a symbol of God’s healing power and grace. This dedicated time of prayer offers an opportunity to seek God’s strength, restoration, and comfort. If you would like to receive Elder-led prayer, please join us every second Sunday after communion.
Restoration Prayer: Releasing believers from spiritual bondage through prayer, led by the Holy Spirit and in community. We pray to bring spiritual freedom to those who have been influenced and held captive by the enemy (world, flesh, and/or devil). This prayer process leads you through a time of systematic confession and repentance, standing in the authority that you have because of Jesus Christ, breaking lies, and replacing them with truth. If you know that the enemy has influence in your life, we’d love to help.
Connect with the Spiritual Care Director
Willow Creek Day Camp
Day camp adventure with a difference. We provide an exciting summer camp experience so every camper gains meaningful relationships, life-changing biblical truths, and life-long happy memories.