Mission Partners
Willow values partnering with those who are bringing the Good News of the Gospel both here in Canada and around the world. Each year we prayerfully commit to many partnerships, desiring to have a relationship with those who are serving in Mission organizations.
Josiah Venture
In the Gospels, we see this process of disciple making modeled in the way Christ challenged his followers from their initial positions of unbelief to a point of spiritual maturity and fruitfulness. The disciple making process can be summed up in five basic challenges from the ministry of Christ. “Come and see” EXPOSE, “repent and believe” EVANGELIZE, “follow me” BUILD, “I will make you fishers of men” EQUIP, and “I am sending you” SEND.
Dave & Martina Brubacher
Send International
SEND International is a multinational organization of Christian missionaries which exists to mobilize God’s people and engage the unreached in order to establish reproducing churches. Many Buryats live in this area of Russia. They are predominantly Tibetan Buddhists and have been virtually unreached with the gospel. There is also a tremendous need for new churches to be planted, to work with struggling families, as well as to develop new leaders. In 2020, Dave assumed the role of Regional Director for Eurasia.
Greg & Tracy McLean
Wycliffe Bible Translators
We work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Cameroon, Central Africa. Greg grew up in Midhurst and Tracy grew up near Stratford. They work under the Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy (CABTAL). Greg and Tracy work in the area of language development, literacy and translation. They are involved in creating alphabets, grammars, and dictionaries, developing literacy materials, and training translators. They have three children - Raya, Kate, and John.
Bechara Karkafi
FEB Central Region
Bechara Karkafi serves as Ambassador to the Arabic-speaking people in our FEB Central Region. His role includes working closely with Tom Haines (Church Planting Director for FEB) to recruit and assess church planters who will plant churches among Arabic-speaking people. God has already used Bechara to assist in the establishment of Arabic-speaking congregations in FEB Central, and there are several more in the planning stage.
Erin & Ben Ng
Power To Change
Power to Change Students is a ministry that is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission through movements of evangelism and discipleship on university and college campuses across Canada. We want to change the world at McMaster University by helping students discover Jesus - and we long for the day when every student graduates with the chance to engage in the Gospel.
Brian & Linda Crawford
OMF International
Brian and Linda have served with OMF International, based in Thailand, since April 1987. We are currently serving as Sector Leader Assistants and Pastoral Member Care Providers with the ‘China & Beyond Area’ Mekong Sector, based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Our work involves tracking approximately 160 adult workers and 220 children from many nations around the world who have come to plant churches in the Greater Mekong Region (North Thailand, Myanmar, Southwest China, Laos, and Vietnam).
Fred & Carla Silva
Emmanuel Brazil
God called us to work in his Kingdom to bring the good news to poor people and communities and help them break out the poverty cycle. Our first project was in the countryside of our home state in Brazil. In 1985 EI invited us to work as their in-country representative, supervising the projects that were carried out in partnership with a number of churches. Emmanuel Brazil has continued to work with churches, helping them reach out all the needs of the poor.
Harold & Barb Coles
Port Colborne, ON • Operation Mobilization (OM)
We're Harold and Barbara Coles, 39 years with Operation Mobilization (OM) beginning in the Indian sub-continent until evicted from Nepal, our roles now are in human resources in OM's home office, Port Colborne, ON
Harold grew up in Minesing, ON and was challenged into missions reading Isaiah 53. He joined an OM summer team in Italy. India was his next focus where he served as a truck driver for evangelism teams of indian brothers. The truck was used as a platform for preaching in the Bazaars. This led to becoming a diesel mechanic for vehicles driven overland from Europe to use in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and through to Nepal.
In Nepal, he met Barbara who had just fled from China and Tibet, where she was chased over the Himalayan border while handing out Christian lieerature. Married in 1987, Nadya (27) and Peter (26) completed their family. Barbara had joined Gospel Missionary Union first to work in southern France, where she joined OM three years later. She served in numbers european and asian countries
Brenda and Richard (Fellowship National Coordinator) Flemming
Democratic Republic of the Congo • Fellowship International
We served as church planters in France from 1985-2000 planting two churches in the eastern suburbs of Paris.
In 2000 we returned to Canada where Richard took up the role of international mission director and later served in mission coaching in churches in Canada before coming to Congo in 2010 to work with various church associations in the area of missions. We work closely with a Congolese Baptist mission team coaching them and do trainings with leadership and in local churches primarily in Kinshasa (though we have travelled as well to 4 other provinces) and twice a year in Lubumbashi (city in southeastern Congo) with MANI, an African-wide network of national mission initiatives. We do have a number of humanitarian projects that our partners are involved in which can be seen on our website or through FAIR. When we are in Canada, Richard works as Eastern coordinator for the Fellowship promoting International work, French work, chaplaincy and the Fellowship Foundation. We are also both involved in mission coaching in churches from Ontario and Quebec to the maritimes. Brenda is available for speaking at retreats and conferences.
Mission coaches. Our main task is to help Congolese churches and leaders to think through how they can become involved in doing missions, their own way with their own people and using their own means.
Website: www.faimprojects.com
Blog: http://brendaflemming.blogspot.ca/
FEB Quebec – Church Plants
Fellowship Francophone Ministry Coordination – Sergei Li
Francophone Director & President of FEB – Steve Jones
Timothy and Rhonda Kent
Barrie, ON • Redwood Park Communities
Redwood Park Communities is a registered charity that provides safe, affordable, hopeful housing for those who need it most in partnership with organizations serving vulnerable populations.
Our first project, United House, is a partnership with the Barrie Women and Children’s Shelter. Opened in the spring of 2013, United House offers five newly renovated, furnished apartments for women and children transitioning out of abusive households and want to build new lives. We provide supportive housing and community to assist in that transition.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Mark 16:15
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