Restoration Prayer

What is it? 

An intense prayer process that leads you through a time of systematic confession and repentance, standing in the authority that you have because of Jesus Christ, breaking lies, and replacing them with truth. 

Why is this important? 

Living under a banner of lies (about yourself and God), stuck in a pattern of habitual sin, feeling hopeless and tormented by dark thoughts etc, are not part of God’s abundant plan for our lives.  He has come to bring us LIFE!  We do not have to live this way.  We can be set free from the influence of the world, the flesh and the devil, through the power of the Holy Spirit; free to live as God’s dearly loved children, to hear His voice clearly, to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit, to know who we are in Christ and to do His works that He has prepared for us to do.    

Main requirement 

A willing heart.  Your ‘yes’ to the Spirit’s voice is the key ingredient in your healing.  Joel 2:12-13 says ‘Turn to Me now, while there is still time.  Give me your hearts.  Come with fasting, weeping and mourning.  Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead.” 

Restoration Prayer revolves around: biblical teaching, repentance, authoritative prayer and community with others

  • Step 1: Intake call with Spiritual Care Director

  • Step 2: Fill out the Participant Inventory

  • Step 3:  Listening Prayer

  • Step 4:  Renouncing Prayer

  • Step 5:  Releasing Prayer

  • Step 6:  Follow up